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218 Results Found

Writing an innovation playbook for health system success

Innovation can fuel the organizational agility necessary to achieve breakthrough levels of value and performance in health care.

Health Care Costs and Choices in the Last Years of Life

Snapshot As Americans live longer, many endure unnecessary interventional treatments at the end of life, driving up spending while overlooking patients’ desires to die peacefully at

Seizing the aging opportunity

There are more people older than 60 alive today than at any other point in history.

Nation Unprepared for Disease Outbreak

The Ebola outbreak exposed major gaps in the nation’s ability to manage serious infectious disease threats, according to a report from Trust for America’s Health and the Robert Wood Joh

The Promise of Telehealth

Telehealth increasingly is vital to our health care delivery system, enabling providers to connect with patients and consulting practitioners across vast distances.

The science of safety

Keeping patients safe is a prerequisite for delivering high-quality health care.

What Antibiotic-resistant Germs Cause

Health care must become more diverse in its leadership, governance and staff, and it must work hard to eliminate disparities in care. Here’s why:

Achieving Stronger Physician Engagement

Trustee Articles
Steps CEOs and boards should take to understand and improve engagement.

Independence through collaboration

Trustee talking points Collaboratives or alliances of neighboring health systems are an alternative to formal consolidation. They provide a way for systems to gain

Care and payment models: The right fit

Developing health care delivery and payment models to achieve the Triple Aim will be challenging.