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424 Results Found

The Three Challenges Impacting Health Cares New Normal

SNAPSHOT Hospital and system leaders say that they are acclimating to the transformed health care environment, but risk-based contracts, pressure to grow and regulatory scrutiny

Collaborative Leader Takes Home Shirley Ann Munroe Award

The American Hospital Association last month awarded its 2015 Shirley Ann Munroe Leadership Award to Vince Oliver, CEO and superint

Board Policy Manuals

Board Policies
Board policies do various things. Some describe how important processes, such as board self evaluation and CEO evaluation, are carried out. Other policies address standards of conduct such as a conflict of interest policy. Still others clarify delegations of authority such as the levels of authority granted to subsidiary boards, board committees and the CEO.

Sample Board Chair Role Description

Board and Committee Charters
The following is intended to be an example that boards should adapt to meet their individual needs.

Board Self Evaluation

Evaluations and Assessments
Regular board self-evaluation is integral to effective governance. Use the questions in the attachment to assess whether your board is getting maximum mileage from its self-evaluation process.

Six Ways a Trustee Can Help Create an Ideal Culture

Trustee Articles
What is the board’s role in shaping culture? Several health care leaders offer advice that reflects the diversity of their experiences.

Recruiting rural executives

Rural hospitals and health systems often face a leadership Catch-22: They need strong leaders to overcome the well-documented challenges facing rural health care — limited resources and dwind

Youth and the hospital e-suite

It is generally accepted that executive development and succession planning are critical tools in organizational development.