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341 Results Found

Becoming a First-Rate Board

Trustee Articles
Fulfilling duties includes actively engaging in practices that promote good governance. A review of best practices enables the board to reflect on opportunities for improvement.

Using the Baldrige Criteria to Improve Governance Assessment

Evaluations and Assessments
Organizations pursuing Baldrige recognition must demonstrate how they carry out their governance in eight areas of responsibility.

Board Practices that Separate the Best from the Rest

Trustee Articles
The AHA’s 2011 Governance Survey shows that good governance practices continue to take hold among hospitals and health systems. Driven by powerful economic pressures and stringent legal requirements to be visionary, strategic, diligent and independent, boards are applying various “good governance” practices, including competency-based succession planning, board orientation and education, routine executive sessions, CEO retention planning, and board self-evaluation.

Developing a Strategic Board

Trustee Articles
With CEO support and opportunities for education, trustees can become better hospital leaders

Sample Board Chair Selection Process Guideline

Trustee Articles
The following is intended to be an example that boards should adapt to meet their individual needs.

Advancing Rural Telehealth and Addressing Its Challenges

Engaging and retaining nursing staff can help drive organizational performance, including improving patient safety, satisfaction and outcomes.

Challenges of Youth

Trustee Articles
Boards can play a key role in guiding, supporting young health system leaders

What Hospital Trustees Should Know About Bundled Payments

Trustee Talking Points Trustee Talking Points Health c

Prioritizing Self-assessments

Trustees are accountable for ensuring that continuous quality improvement processes are in place throughout their health care organization.

Applying Competency-based Criteria to Committee Makeup and Education

Trustee Articles
More and more boards are adopting the practice of using competency-based criteria to select governing board members. They identify the subject areas and behavioral qualities needed from trustees and apply them to recruitment, orientation, leadership development, succession planning and periodic evaluation.