Governance Committee Charter
Overall Roles and Responsibilities
The Governance Committee provides for the board’s effectiveness and continuing development.
The specific responsibilities of the Governance Committee include:
• Recommending to the board policies and processes designed to provide for effective and efficient governance, including but not limited to policies for:
- Evaluation of the board and the chairperson.
- Election and reelection of board members.
- Board orientation and education.
- Succession planning for the board chair and other board leaders.
• Reviewing and recommending a position description detailing responsibilities of and expectations for board members and the board chairperson.
• Recommending nominees for election and reelection to the board.
To facilitate this responsibility, the committee will:
- Develop and recommend to the board a statement of the competencies and personal attributes currently needed on the board, to be used as a guideline for recruitment and election of board members.
- Conduct a “gap analysis” to identify succession planning/recruitment needs.
- Develop and regularly update a list of potential board members regardless of whether a current vacancy exists.
- Oversee a process for vetting the fitness of prospective nominees.
- Develop and oversee a plan for enhancing board diversity.
- Evaluate the performance of individual board members eligible for reelection