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341 Results Found

Protecting hospital executive retirement plans

Early in your education, you learned the difference between cause and effect. Cause is why something happens. Effect is what happens or, better stated, the consequences.

Ready for the Unthinkable

Trustee Articles
An emergency succession plan may never be used, but it’s still a necessity for every hospital. A key function of every board is to ensure that effective leadership is in place so that the institution it governs can continue to achieve its mission, vision and strategic goals.

CEO Selection in a COVID-19 World

Though hospital and health system boards have always evaluated many factors when selecting a new executive leader, the coronavirus experience calls for considering other important elements.

Is Your Board of Trustees Micromanaging Your CEO?

How can a board and CEO work together to lead an organization well? Consider these 10 tips for helping boards stay in their lane while fulfilling governance obligations.

Governance Committee Charter

Board and Committee Charters
Overall Roles and Responsibilities -The Governance Committee provides for the board’s effectiveness and continuing development.

Revisiting Strategy Due to COVID-19

Working together, hospital and health system boards and executive teams should examine the pandemic’s implications for their organizations, to set strategic direction and better serve patients and communities.

Preparing for a CEO’s departure

The most crucial time in an organization’s life is the transition from one CEO to another.