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15 Results Found
Improving Quality Through Physician Engagement
Trustee Articles
From accountable care organizations to clinical integration, forging a close bond between physicians and hospitals for improved quality results is now an imperative.
Physicians Key in Value-Driven Environment
Trustee Articles
Executive and board support is needed for physician leadership that lasts. Collaborative leadership with physicians will be essential for hospitals to successfully create and maintain agile organizations that can compete in the rapidly changing healthcare landscape.
Governance of Physician Organizations: An Essential Step to Care Integration
This report shares findings from a study of governing physician organizations in developing systems of care. The study is among the first to explore this work from the perspective of physicians, who talk candidly about issues and challenges and provide insights about the evolution of physician involvement in governance and leadership at a historic moment of change in health care.
Physician-Hospital Alignment: Meeting on What Matters
Trustee Articles
The evolving U.S. health care system will demand more standardization, reduced variation in outcomes and lower costs, necessitating new care delivery methods. A variety of models may emerge but physicians are the one constant to any emerging care paradigm, making hospital physician alignment imperative.
Grooming M.D. Leaders
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CEOs need to target and develop physicians to play leading roles in health care transformation. Perhaps the greatest challenge health care organizations face over the next decade is physician engagement. As integration and value-driven care continue to advance, physician leaders will be increasingly called upon to meet the demands of a changing landscape.
Accelerating Progress Through Leadership Integration
Trustee Articles
Sustainable change requires a strategy to align improvement efforts and act on the interdependencies of four performance domains.
Getting Strategic about Shared Decision Making
Trustee Articles
Boards can foster patient-centered care by encouraging meaningful conversations during patient encounters and by incentivizing clinicians.
Empowering a Healthy Culture
Trustee Articles
Boards need to assess troubled areas in their organizations, set goals for improving the culture, and hold leaders accountable for change.
Data's Motivating Power
Trustee Articles
Analytics can be a tool for constructively engaging physicians in health systems’ transition to value.
Redefining the Physician’s Role as Care Team Leader
Trustee Articles
With training and support, physicians can become effective team leaders.