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610 Results Found

340B Supports Essential Hospital Services

Millions of Americans worry about the high costs of life-saving prescription drugs.

Senators call for preventing 340B cuts in year-end package

A bipartisan group of six senators yesterday urged Senate leadership to include in a year-end package, legislation that would prevent a dramatic reduction in Medicare Part B payments for certain ho

Dec. 21 hearing scheduled in 340B lawsuit

U.S. District Court Judge Rudolph Contreras will hear arguments Dec.

340B recertification deadline is Dec. 6

The Health Resources and Services Administration is reminding hospitals that participate in the 340B drug savings program that they must recertify by Dec.

Hospital groups file lawsuit to stop OPPS payment cut for 340B hospitals

The AHA joined by the Association of American Medical Colleges and America’s Essential Hospitals today filed a federal

CMS issues final outpatient PPS rule

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Nov.

A vital safety-net program

The exorbitant cost of many prescription drugs threatens providers’ ability to provide life-saving medications for millions of Americans.

Hospitals, not pharmaceutical manufacturers, are preserving and protecting the safety net

A group financed by the pharmaceutical industry is hosting a meeting today on the 340B Drug Pricing Program with the goal of “Preserving the True Safety Net.” But what the meeting really will be ab