Board Culture
Doing your duty is not just about success; it is also about actively engaging in practices that promote good
governance. Take this quiz to review and reflect on how your board compares with governance best practices.
Fulfilling duties includes actively engaging in practices that promote good governance. A review of best practices enables the board to reflect on opportunities for improvement.
Making Effective Decisions in Times of Uncertainty and Change: What Boards Need to Know
Clarifying accountabilities between management and governance is essential for high performance. Discover best-practice governance principles in this article.
By Stephen Mansfield
While a clear, bright line between the roles of governance and management does not exist for every issue that boards and organizational leaders must address, defining the relative roles of boards, leaders and managers can enhance governance effectiveness and working…
For boards to participate in shaping their new organization, they must be currently performing at an extremely high level. The following is a list of four practices that hospital and health system boards must be engaged in today, in order to be successful in the future.
Great organizations have great leadership— at the top and throughout their ranks.
In industries where safety is critical and quality must come first, such as airlines and nuclear power, “red rules” refer to protocols that must be followed “to the letter” – all work stops until they are. A commercial airliner doesnʼt leave the gate if the pilot spies a possible leak or flat tire…
The trustees of one health system were divided over how to structure the board. Some favored proportional representation from its acute care, nursing home and elder services divisions; others wanted all at-large members with no interests to promote.
The CEO of another health system had…
Over the last decade, and especially since the Enron failure, boards of all types have been working to enhance their performance. They ensure their composition is competency-based; they align their structures with their strategies; and they have robust, written governance procedures.