Sample Meeting Effectiveness Survey for Board or Committee Meetings

Adapted with permission from the Ontario Hospital Association’s Guide to Good Governance, 2005. Original materials provided by and/or authored by Anne Corbett, Borden Ladner Gervais LLP.

Note: The following is intended to be an example that boards should adapt to meet their individual needs.


The purpose of a meeting effectiveness survey is to improve meeting quality and process.

The survey or questionnaire usually asks questions aimed at evaluating the following:

  • Quality and timeliness of materials.
  • Effectiveness of the meeting.
  • Agenda management.
  • Effectiveness of the debate.
  • Conduct of meeting participants.
  • Effectiveness of chair.
  • Overall satisfaction.

The survey should be short enough to be completed before participants leave the room.The results should be shared with the chair as soon as possible and should be periodically presented to the board.
