Population Health: Board Discussion Questions


Hospital and health system boards and leadership can advance their understanding of population health and how population health management fits into organizational priorities by considering the following questions:

  1. How does our organization define population health?
  2. What key steps has our organization already taken in the areas of prevention, quality and safety, and care coordination to advance our efforts to improve population health?
  3. In our organization’s journey toward population health management, what have been our key accomplishments?
  4. What critical obstacles to further improving population health is our organization facing and what are we doing to overcome them? (Obstacles might include: lack of a capable, qualified workforce; insufficient health information technology, data and analytics; insufficient board and leadership capacity and clinician engagement, etc.)
  5. What risks might our organization face in working to further expand our focus on population health management, and what can we do to reduce or eliminate these risks?
  6. What partnerships does our organization need to establish to navigate the population health management agenda and reposition for a fee-for-value environment?
  7. Is our organization moving fast enough to develop these partnerships?
  8. What should our board do to build our understanding and capacity to effectively govern in a population health-focused environment?
