What Boards Need to Know About the New CMS QAPI Requirement
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) on March 9 released changes to its interpretive guidance for the Quality Assessment and Performance Improvement (QAPI) program. This revised guidance explains the kind of leadership and board engagement CMS expects for hospitals' work on quality and patient safety. In the updated guidance, CMS specifies that hospitals' governing bodies are responsible for oversight of the QAPI program and should conduct periodic reviews of the hospital's plan for QAPI. Participants heard from Nancy Foster about these new requirements and how to prepare your board to meet them. Greg Bentz shared his perspectives and what his board is doing to oversee quality and patient safety.

Greg Bentz, J.D. is the Chair of Saint Luke’s Health System and the Chair of the 2023 AHA Committee on Governance (COG). He also chairs the System’s Compensation Committee, Nominating/Governance Committee, and the Physician Contract Review Committee. He has been active at Saint Luke’s since 2005 having previously served on the Board of Saint Luke’s Plaza Hospital and as Chair of Saint Luke’s South Hospital. Greg is also a member of the National Association of Corporate Directors. He is a Board Leadership Fellow and is Director Certified by the NACD.

Nancy Foster is the Vice President for Quality and Patient Safety Policy at the American Hospital Association, serving in this role since 2004. She advocates for the nearly 5,000 hospitals and health system members of the American Hospital Association and shapes national policy on health care quality and safety. She leads efforts to improve quality and safety through collaboration with key national health care organizations; advises CMS on quality measures and their application in various public programs; works with the AHA Committees on Governance and Equity of Care; collaborates with experts to translate safety research into improved policies and practices; and coordinates with leaders working on information technology, workforce development, organizational culture, and other issues affecting quality of care.
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