Century Club Growing

Century Club Growing

Number of Americans 100 years old and older:


1980: 15,000

2000: 50,281

2014: 72,197

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2016


Hospital-led ACOs Increase


Source: American Hospital Association, Annual Survey of Hospitals data, 2011-14


Disappearing Docs?

61,700 to 94,700: That’s the estimated shortage of physicians in the United States by 2025.

Source: Association of American Medical Colleges, 2016


Employer-Based Coverage Steady

155 million: Americans with employer-based health insurance in 2016. That will drop to 152 million by 2019 but will essentially hold steady through 2026, upending predictions that employers would drop their plans and steer workers to health insurance exchanges under the Affordable Care Act.

Source: Congressional Budget Office, March 2016; The New York Times, April 4, 2016