More physicians in the pipeline


Medical school enrollment climbs


Increase in first-year enrollment at U.S. medical schools since 2002.


The portion of that growth attributed to 22 new schools.

Source: "Results of the 2016 Medical School Enrollment Survey," Association of American Medical Colleges, 2017


Not so salty


Average salt content, in milligrams, of packaged foods and beverages purchased per person at U.S. retail stores each day in 2000, according to a national study.


The amount in 2014.


Decrease in the salt content of packaged foods that Americans purchased over the same period.

Nevertheless, almost all U.S. households still buy packaged food with too high a concentration of sodium, the study's authors say.

Source: Jennifer M. Poti et al., "Sodium Reduction in U.S. Households’ Packaged Food and Beverage Purchases, 2000 to 2014," JAMA Internal Medicine, June 5, 2017


Cancer trials get results 

3.34 million

Total years of life gained by people diagnosed with cancer as a result of cancer clinical trials run from 1956 to 2016 by SWOG, a network of publicly funded cancer cooperative research groups established by the National Cancer Institute and supported with public funds.


The amount invested for each life-year gained.

Source: Joseph M. Unger et al., "The Effect of Positive SWOG Treatment Trials on Survival of Patients With Cancer in the U.S. Population," JAMA Oncology, June 5, 2017


Playing safe?

1.46 million

Estimated number of injuries associated with playground equipment treated by U.S. emergency departments from 2009 to 2014.


Percentage of those injuries that occurred at schools or parks.


The proportion that were fractures.

Source: “Injuries and Investigated Deaths Associated with Playground Equipment 2009–2014,” United States Consumer Product Safety Commission, April 2017