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338 Results Found

Who Is Accountable for this Patient?

Trustee Magazine Articles
Payers in population health contracts are using claims data to identify the physician responsible for a patient’s health and spending. It’s an inexact science that can aggravate providers before empowering them.

Hospitals step up efforts to fight opioid abuse epidemic

Trustee Talking Points Trustee Talking Points Misuse of prescription opioids is reaching

By the patient, for the patient

By the time Warren J. Smith III met Kavita Bhavan, M.D., he had had dozens of surgeries stemming from a motorcycle accident that shattered his leg.

Reimbursement reform: Educating physicians

It was standing room only at a January physician education event in South Carolina as 140-plus providers in the Palmetto Health Quality Collaborative gathered from around the state’s Midlands regio

IT Dilemmas of the Newly Merged

Snapshot One of the first decisions that merging organizations must make is what to do with legacy information systems, and the answer isn’t always obvious.

The rise of house calls

Peter Boling, M.D., graduated from medical school almost 40 years ago, and his career has been driven by a single question.

Genomic Medicine is (finally) revolutionizing health care

After years of fanfare and a few false starts, the era of genomic medicine has finally arrived.

Painting a portrait of your patients

Trustee Talking Points Trustee Talking Points This is the s

Culture conflict and strategic partnerships

The not-for-profit hospital board and the for-profit clinic board had agreed to create a separate board for the new cancer center joint venture, but negotiations were bogged down.

Trustee reappointment

When hospital or health system boards think about key practices that support effective governance, considerations such as board recruitment and selection, orientation and continuing education, and