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8 Results Found

Safety and the Road to COVID-19 Recovery: The Role of the Board

As hospitals and health systems across the country begin and continue the “recovery” process during the COVID-19 outbreak, the AHA is keeping you updated with the latest information and resources. An important area to address is the role of governing boards as hospitals and health systems resume delivering comprehensive health care services.

Board Responsibilities Podcast

Leaders from Northwestern Medical Center in Vermont share how their CEO transition plan helped accelerate success and ensure a smooth changeover.

Exploring Ways to Reinvent Generational Recruitment

An emerging group of future health care leaders are ready to take on the challenge of health care board service.

Using Technology to Enhance Board Education

Trustee Articles
Ongoing board education that includes newer modalities and technologies will increase board engagement and improve governance.

Staying ahead of cybersecurity risks

Hospitals and health systems are under attack from new forms of viruses every day.

Effective Governance During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Trustee Articles
Boards can provide tremendous value and crucial support to their hospitals and health systems during the COVID-19 crisis.

Three Essential Elements of a Disaster Communication Plan

Disaster planning is a widely accepted duty of both hospital management and boards of directors.

Board support: Is it time for dedicated governance leadership?

Trustee talking points As hospitals and health systems grow increasingly complex, they are increasingly creating dedicated support staff for their boards. Full-