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226 Results Found
Physician Burnout Demands Bold Action
Burnout is a multifaceted syndrome encompassing three primary components: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and a reduced sense of personal accomplishment.
Engaging Boards in Disruptive Innovation
Trustee Articles
Hospitals and systems must understand the threats posed by market disruptors and craft specific strategies to protect their missions.
Data's Motivating Power
Trustee Articles
Analytics can be a tool for constructively engaging physicians in health systems’ transition to value.
Future-ready Boards
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Trustee Insights Archive Editions
Trustee Insights I Archive includes previous editions of the AHA’s enhanced digital resource for hospital and health system boards and leadership. This robust monthly digital package includes insights and analysis on the changing dynamics in the health care field and what they mean for boards, as well as other rich resources to help achieve high-performing governance.
CEO Selection in a COVID-19 World
Though hospital and health system boards have always evaluated many factors when selecting a new executive leader, the coronavirus experience calls for considering other important elements.
Quality and Patient Safety Articles
A collection of articles and toolkits from the AHA Trustee Services on quality and patient safety.