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206 Results Found

Hospitals work to intervene, break the cycle of violence

He was a healthy 15-year-old boy living in St. Louis, wasn’t in a gang, got good grades and stayed out of trouble.

Raising the Bar for Board Performance

Snapshot For boards to lead their organizations to value-based care, they will need highly skilled, energized and diverse members.

Turning to nurses for design

In her book Notes on Nursing, originally published in 1859, Florence Nightingale stressed the importance of a number of environmental factors that are now understood to be critical to

Covering the Spectrum of Community Need

It was a tough day at Union High School for Kim (not her real name).

Hospitals and food insecurity

As health care moves toward a population health paradigm that focuses on keeping people healthy, hospitals and health systems are recognizing the significance of the social determinants of health.

Trustee reappointment

When hospital or health system boards think about key practices that support effective governance, considerations such as board recruitment and selection, orientation and continuing education, and