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11 Results Found

Boardroom Brief: How Boards Contribute to a Safe Workplace and Community

This brief intends to raise awareness about violence as a public health issue and provides resources for boards to work with hospital and health system leaders to build safer workplaces and communities.

Understanding Affordability and Value in Health Care

Trustee Articles
Affordability is one of the most important challenges influencing Americans’ ability to access health care. However, no single, agreed-upon definition of health care affordability exists because it is influenced by many complex factors.

Nurse as CEO: A unique fit

On her first day of work in September at Florida’s Memorial Hospital Miramar, Grisel Fernandez-Bravo, R.N., was given a hospital ID badge displaying her new title: chief executive officer

Purchaser Pressure: The Emerging Role of Employers in Driving Value in Healthcare

Trustee Articles
As medical costs consume an ever increasing share of businesses’ profits, self-funded employers and public purchasers of health insurance are becoming more aggressive than ever before in direct contracting with providers.

What it Takes to Be the New CEO

Snapshot With hospitals moving beyond their four walls to establish ambulatory care facilities, take on financial risk and pr

Recruiting rural executives

Rural hospitals and health systems often face a leadership Catch-22: They need strong leaders to overcome the well-documented challenges facing rural health care — limited resources and dwind

Essential Skills for Todays CEO

The board is responsible for setting the hospital or health system’s mission and vision, and for engaging leaders and staff in working toward that vision.

Leadership Assessment and Competencies

As hospitals and health systems evolve to meet changing reimbursement and delivery system demands, so too must the organization’s leadership.

Your Next CEO

Competition, finance reform and the ever-changing demands of the marketplace have put increased pressure on hospital boards to contemplate an important question: What kind of CEO will be most suc

Prevention, Communication, Prediction: Major Tasks of Health Care IT

If they didn’t know it already, members of the hospital field’s C-suites do now: Keeping health care data out of the hands of cybercriminals is harder than ever.