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555 Results Found

Mental Health and Boards: Focusing on People, Patients and Community

Dr. Arpan Waghray shares how boards can make behavioral health a priority.

Leading a Coordinated Community Response to COVID-19

During and moving beyond the pandemic, hospital and health system boards and executive teams need to keep community stakeholders engaged to forge a better state of health in their communities.

Recruiting for a Diverse Health Care Board

Adding diverse members to a hospital’s or health system’s board can change the board’s culture for the better.

Philanthropy's Ability to Advance Population Health

Trustee Articles
While more than 90% of hospitals agree or strongly agree population health is aligned with their mission, only 19% of health care leaders strongly agree they possess the financial resources available to support population health.

Health Equity as an Imperative

Lawrence General Hospital provides high-quality care to some of the state’s most vulnerable patients by making health equity a strategic priority.

Position Description for a Health System or Hospital Board Member

Position Descriptions
The board has three legal duties: a duty of obedience to the charitable purpose of the organization, a duty of loyalty, to act based on best interests of the organization, and a duty of care. The role of the board is to govern, not manage, the organization.

Health Systems Making Suicide Prevention a Priority

AFSP’s Christine Moutier and Maggie Mortali discuss programs and tools that support health care workers.

Stakeholders Target Health Disparities During a Pandemic

To address gaps in care, hospitals and health systems are analyzing and sharing data and deploying outreach and resources through cross-sector partnerships.

Health Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Articles

A collection of articles an toolkits on health equity, diversity and inclusion.

Trustee Insights Archive Editions

Trustee Insights I Archive includes previous editions of the AHA’s enhanced digital resource for hospital and health system boards and leadership. This robust ­monthly digital package includes insights and analysis on the changing dynamics in the health care field and what they mean for boards, as well as other rich resources to help achieve high-performing governance.