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174 Results Found

The Board’s Role in Advancing Healthier, More Equitable Communities

Hospital and health system board members play a critical role in prioritizing, understanding and collaborating to improve health equity.

Board Self Evaluation

Evaluations and Assessments
Regular board self-evaluation is integral to effective governance. Use the questions in the attachment to assess whether your board is getting maximum mileage from its self-evaluation process.

Furthering Population Health Demands Diverse Governance

A board that guides the strategic direction of a health care system must have a keen sense of its business environment — the blend of market forces, financial realities and significant influe

Becoming a First-Rate Board

Trustee Articles
Fulfilling duties includes actively engaging in practices that promote good governance. A review of best practices enables the board to reflect on opportunities for improvement.

How to Grow the Amount of Women on Hospital Boards

In many ways, women are on the front line in health care — as consumers, employees and family caretakers. They possess firsthand knowledge of community health issues and needs.

Addressing Health Equity in the Hospital Board Room

COVID-19 has made it clear that addressing health equity is necessary to improve health and save lives, and hospital and health system trustees need to lead and collaborate in these efforts.

Board Policy Manuals

Board Policies
Board policies do various things. Some describe how important processes, such as board self evaluation and CEO evaluation, are carried out. Other policies address standards of conduct such as a conflict of interest policy. Still others clarify delegations of authority such as the levels of authority granted to subsidiary boards, board committees and the CEO.

Engaging Boards in Disruptive Innovation

Trustee Articles
Hospitals and systems must understand the threats posed by market disruptors and craft specific strategies to protect their missions.

2018 Sample Board Composition Policy

Board Policies
Board and Committee Composition and Succession Planning...

Raising the Bar for Board Performance

Snapshot For boards to lead their organizations to value-based care, they will need highly skilled, energized and diverse members.