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477 Results Found

Taking Responsibility for Transitions at the Top

Succession planning is a high-stakes governance responsibility. The significant costs of protracted CEO searches and failed replacements are well-documented. Yet, data from the for-profit and nonprofit sectors continue to show that many boards aren’t focusing enough attention on succession planning or on getting it right.

Position Description for a Health System or Hospital Board Member

Position Descriptions
A duty of obedience to the charitable purpose of the organization, a duty that should be demonstrable in all the board’s decisions. A duty of loyalty, to act based on best interests of the organization and the wider community it serves, not the narrow interests of an individual or stakeholder group. A duty of care, to be diligent in carrying out the work of the board by preparing for meetings, attending faithfully, participating in discussions, asking questions, making sound and independent business judgments, and seeking independent opinions when necessary.

Position Description for a Health System or Hospital Board Member

Trustee Articles
The role of the board is to govern, not manage, the organization. To that end, the board carries out four roles.

Building a Governing Board Strategy on Diversity and Health Equity

Nine executives and board members interviews describing how their organizations are prioritizing diversity and health equity with actionable results.

Creating the Right Boardroom Conversations

Trustee Articles
Establishing well-organized and consistent governance processes and procedures enables the board to be most productive, and ensures that its time is allocated to the most critical topics.

Current High-Performance Governance Practices

Board Checklists
For boards to participate in shaping their new organization, they must be currently performing at an extremely high level. The following is a list of four practices that hospital and health system boards must be engaged in today, in order to be successful in the future.

Preserving the Distinction Between Management and Governance

Trustee Articles
Clarifying accountabilities between management and governance is essential for high performance. Discover best-practice governance principles in this article.

Increasing a Board’s Strategic Competency

Health care boards that invest the time in discussing strategy can position their organization for success.

Strategic Planning Podcasts

Pamela Knecht, president and CEO of Accord Limited, describes how to create and sustain a board with needed competencies, skills and perspectives.

Don’t Forget the Big Strategic Picture

Focused, strategic discussions in the boardroom can support organizational excellence.