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225 Results Found

Leadership Summit to feature governance track

The American Hospital Association’s 2018 Leadership Summit, "Advancing Affordable Care and Promoting Value," to be held July 26-28 in San Diego, will offer hospital

Taking Responsibility for Transitions at the Top

Succession planning is a high-stakes governance responsibility. The significant costs of protracted CEO searches and failed replacements are well-documented.

Burwell, and Enterprise Risk Oversight

Now that the King v. Burwell verdict is behind us, let’s look at the case through a different lens.

How smart incentives can reduce health system risk

Many hospital and health system boards and their leadership teams are at an interesting juncture where each is heavily reliant on the other for strategic support and execution.

Revisiting Executive Incentive Compensation

Incentive compensation plans are intended to focus executives’ attention on their organizations’ most vital priorities and initiatives.

Prioritizing Self-assessments

Trustees are accountable for ensuring that continuous quality improvement processes are in place throughout their health care organization.

Conflict Manager: The Board Chair's Unsung Role

Trustee Articles
Board chairs are often chosen based on peer respect, professional knowledge, demonstrated commitment such as chairing a board committee, and willingness to put in the time required. A somewhat surprising finding to emerge from the AHA’s 2011 Governance Survey is that conflict management is an important yet seldom discussed role of the board chair.

How and Why to Increase Board Diversity

Board diversity has lagged behind the growth of increasingly diverse communities. This article looks at the advantage of having a diverse board and how to begin having discussions around building one and doing the work to create a diverse board.

Preparing for a CEO’s departure

The most crucial time in an organization’s life is the transition from one CEO to another.

Your Next CEO

Competition, finance reform and the ever-changing demands of the marketplace have put increased pressure on hospital boards to contemplate an important question: What kind of CEO will be most suc