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84 Results Found

Creating Age-Friendly Health Systems

Hospital and health system trustees can help move forward an evidence-based framework to achieve better health for an aging population with complex care needs.

Integrating Behavioral and Physical Health through Primary Care

Trustee Articles
Hospitals and health systems are finding a range of ways to integrate behavioral and physical care in a primary care clinic, thereby improving patient outcomes and lowering costs.

Hospital Use of Quality Improvement Methodologies

This is 14 percent more than all hospitals with an organized quality improvement program that responded to the November 2014 American Hospital Association Survey of Care Systems and Payment.

Physician Organizations Should Drive Quality

A strong, consistent governance and leadership focus on doing what’s best for patients and communities is positioning physician organizations as significant drivers of improved quality and financia

Primary Care Docs Say Metrics Hurt Patient Care

Half of the nation’s primary care physicians say the increased use of quality-of-care metrics to assess provider performance is having a negative impact on patient care, according to a survey repor

Keeping Risk in Check

Trustee Articles
The complexities inherent in performance-based contracts call for increased board oversight

Performance-based Contracting: Emerging Issues and Considerations

Trustee Articles
A new business model is emerging to transform the care delivery and payment systems. The transition is underway in many communities — moving health care delivery from emphasizing sick care to addressing population health management.

The One Trait that Consistently High-performing Health Systems and Hospitals Share

Consistently high-performing health systems and hospitals share a common trait. Their leadership teams are exceptionally humble.