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414 Results Found

Seven Steps to Designing an Effective Education Process

A successful governance education process requires commitment, collaboration and consensus. Below is an outline of how a board of trustees may design a process that will ensure optimum development of leadership knowledge and effectiveness...

Seven Steps to Designing an Effective Governance Education Process Tool

A successful governance education process requires commitment, collaboration and consensus. This resource serves as an outline of how a board of trustees may design a process that will ensure optimum development of leadership knowledge and effectiveness.

New Approaches to Effective Board Decision Making

Trustee Articles
Seven techniques can help support and strengthen your board's decision-making processes.

Board Dashboards Deliver Vital Stats

Snapshot The dashboard is a quick, comprehensive way to keep trustees informed on hospital performance.

How to prepare your hospital for risk

Trustees of nonprofit health care organizations appreciate that revenue from fee-for-service reimbursement has been the basis for keeping their institutions financially sustainable over many years.

Rural hospital trustees meet in Phoenix

Uncertainty is the new normal for rural hospitals.

HRET Effort Reduces Infections

Patient safety

AHA seeks to strengthen services for trustees

Governance AHA seeks to strengthen services for trustees The American Hospital Association board of trustees in July approved a plan to strengthen the AHA’s role in s

HIMSS15 Wrap-Up: Human Touch Still Valued in High-Tech Health Care Landscape

In a market flooded with new technologies and apps that aim to make physicians’ jobs easier and patients more engaged with their health care, there is still a need for human interaction, according

Leadership Assessment and Competencies

As hospitals and health systems continue to navigate the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, one important tool often goes overlooked.