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308 Results Found
Future-ready Boards
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Elevating Philanthropy: a Board Primer
Forward-thinking health care organizations are exploring alternative revenue sources, with many recognizing philanthropy as a pivotal opportunity.
Enhancing Governance to Foster Innovation
Trustee Articles
By adopting practices that embrace innovation, boards are better prepared to plan for change.
Health Care Governance on the Eve of Disruption
Trustee Articles
Corporate boards, across industry sectors, are increasingly being called upon to support management as the company responds to how innovative competitors “disrupt” their existing business model. Blockbuster, Borders and ESPN are prime examples of established companies that have been pulled into the financial undertow created by nimble disruptors.
Trustee Insights Archive Editions
Trustee Insights I Archive includes previous editions of the AHA’s enhanced digital resource for hospital and health system boards and leadership. This robust monthly digital package includes insights and analysis on the changing dynamics in the health care field and what they mean for boards, as well as other rich resources to help achieve high-performing governance.
Developing a Strategic Board
Trustee Articles
With CEO support and opportunities for education, trustees can become better hospital leaders
Effective CEO Performance Evaluation
Following key strategies for effective CEO performance appraisals are essential to the health care board’s role.
Health Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Articles
A collection of articles an toolkits on health equity, diversity and inclusion.
Current High-Performance Governance Practices
Board Checklists
For boards to participate in shaping their new organization, they must be currently performing at an extremely high level. The following is a list of four practices that hospital and health system boards must be engaged in today, in order to be successful in the future.