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545 Results Found

Hospitals Reduce Disparities in CMS Inpatient Core Measures

Between 2005 and 2010, disparities in care between white and black patients fell for 13 of the 17 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services inpatient process measures.

Joint Commission: Leadership Key to Health IT Safety

Organizational leadership’s commitment to ensuring the safe use of health information technology is one of several actions proposed in a Joint Commission Sentinel Event Alert

Hospitals look to prevention for better security

Amid increasing security risks and growing pressure from regulatory agencies — including the Centers for Medicare &

Most Executives Expect Population Health Investments to Pay Off in Four Years

More than half of health executives expect to recoup their investments in population health management within four years, according to a survey report from KPMG.

What Antibiotic-resistant Germs Cause

Health care must become more diverse in its leadership, governance and staff, and it must work hard to eliminate disparities in care. Here’s why:

Hepatitis C, weight gain, football and more

Hep C deaths at all-time high

Collaborative Leader Takes Home Shirley Ann Munroe Award

The American Hospital Association last month awarded its 2015 Shirley Ann Munroe Leadership Award to Vince Oliver, CEO and superint

The hospital board and physicians, plus more news for health system trustees

AHA Resources Understanding board’s role in hospital–physician relations The American Hospital Association's Center for Healthcare Governance invites hospita

Hospitals and housing

Wellness and well-being are inextricably linked to the social and economic conditions of people’s lives.