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539 Results Found

Protecting hospital executive retirement plans

Early in your education, you learned the difference between cause and effect. Cause is why something happens. Effect is what happens or, better stated, the consequences.

Catching up to Consumer Expectations for Access

Trustee Articles
Organizations must rethink their approach to build customer engagement and loyalty.

High-performance succession planning

One thing that we all know is certain is change. Hospitals and health systems are adapting delivery models and strategies to remain viable for their communities.

The Cost of Value-based Care

Snapshot Sophisticated systems that link payer, financial and clinical data will drive population health efforts. More IT spending and a learning curve lie ahead.

Getting Strategic about Shared Decision Making

Trustee Articles
Boards can foster patient-centered care by encouraging meaningful conversations during patient encounters and by incentivizing clinicians.

Board Dashboards Deliver Vital Stats

Snapshot The dashboard is a quick, comprehensive way to keep trustees informed on hospital performance.

Trustees playing game with higher stakes

By now, every health care leader understands that the Affordable Care Act is catalyzing a complete transformation of the field, including reimbursement arrangements, business models and mechanism

5 ways to improve care for older patients

Last year marked the 50th anniversary of Medicare and Medicaid. These two programs (including state funding) represent 37 cents of every dollar spent on health care in the United States.

Challenging Deeply Held Beliefs That Stymie Hospital Boards

Deeply held beliefs can blind boards to the true nature of change. It’s time to challenge the orthodoxies.

Priorities for a Hospital Board Chair

It is hard to imagine an industry more turbulent than health care or a position more demanding than hospital board chair.