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545 Results Found

Serving Older Emergency Patients with Extra TLC

Trustee Articles
Hospitals large and small recognize the value of special protocols and services for older patients who seek emergency care.

Surviving Disruption in Health Care

Trustee Articles
Health care providers must draw lessons from the core capabilities of successful companies in the internet economy.

New Approaches to Effective Board Decision Making

Trustee Articles
Seven techniques can help support and strengthen your board's decision-making processes.

Refocusing Clinical Workforce on Moments that Matter

The clinical workforce shortage is one of the most pressing problems in health care. Bold actions now are necessary to mitigate the challenge, and boards have a critical role to play in overseeing change. By giving clinicians the support they need to work with purpose and passion, health systems can build clinical capacity for today — and tomorrow.

Best practices for partnering success

Hospital and health system leadership teams may look to partner with other organizations in an effort to gain capabilities for evolving care and payment arrangements.

Rural hospital trustees meet in Phoenix

Uncertainty is the new normal for rural hospitals.

Succession planning: An investment in leadership continuity and success

Ensuring that an organization has consistent and effective leadership at the top is a principal board responsibility.

Safer, smaller, smarter health tech

Iron lungs out. Surgical robots in. The heart-wrenching sight of rows of children trapped in iron lungs has given way to the ability to transplant lungs.

Building hospitals to improve patient safety

Trustee Talking Points Trustee Talking Points Hospital leaders — ex

Know your community for population health

Conversations about the Affordable Care Act and its effect on hospitals have often concerned readmissions and the health insurance exchanges.