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539 Results Found

Hospitals and food insecurity

As health care moves toward a population health paradigm that focuses on keeping people healthy, hospitals and health systems are recognizing the significance of the social determinants of health.

What Hospital Board Members Need to Know: A Seven-Point Framework for Navigating COVID-19

Trustee Articles
During the COVID-19 pandemic, hospital and health system boards play a critical role to assure plans, policies and resources are in place.

Expanding the field

Hospitals don't serve just their patients. They also serve their communities.

Combating Prescription Opioid Abuse

The women and men who work in America’s hospitals witness the toll of the opioid epidemic on patients and the health of their communities every day.

In Milwaukee, infant mortality, social determinants top concerns

In 2016, Milwaukee’s infant-mortality rate was 9.1, meaning that slightly more than nine babies died for every 1,000 live births.

Board members encouraged to advocate on behalf of their hospitals

American Hospital Association leaders like to say that every day is advocacy day, and that there is no better advocate for your hospital than you, the hospital trus

Mental illness and acute care

For a long time, behavioral health patients have been marginalized in the nation’s health care system.

Rural hospital trustees meet in Phoenix

Uncertainty is the new normal for rural hospitals.

Moving Your Board from Good to Great

Trustee Articles
Great health care boards primarily focus on enabling their organizations to create innovative solutions that address community needs for improved health and well-being. They also address regulatory, competitive, resource and other challenges that sometimes may seem daunting, but these do not divert them from their primary purpose.