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545 Results Found

Who Is Accountable for this Patient?

Trustee Magazine Articles
Payers in population health contracts are using claims data to identify the physician responsible for a patient’s health and spending. It’s an inexact science that can aggravate providers before empowering them.

Rethinking the Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program

Reducing readmissions is an important way to improve quality and lower health care spending, and hospitals are making significant progress.

Fully Equipped to Lead

Trustee Articles
When trustees are appointed to the board of Manatee Memorial Hospital, they have a steep learning curve as they settle into this new role. Providing an orientation program and performing frequent performance evaluations help to ensure that trustees receive the training, resources and ongoing support they need to serve the organization.

Getting Strategic about Shared Decision Making

Trustee Articles
Boards can foster patient-centered care by encouraging meaningful conversations during patient encounters and by incentivizing clinicians.

Competency Based Governance Enters the Health Care Boardroom

Trustee Articles
The role of a health care organization trustee is getting more complicated and more sophisticated every day. Pressures are increasing simultaneously for higher quality, lower cost, more transparency and accountability, and use of evolving and ever-more-expensive technology.

Population Health: Board Discussion Questions

Discussion Questions & Templates
Hospital and health system boards and leadership can advance their understanding of population health and how population health management fits into organizational priorities by considering the following questions.

Someone to Lean On

Trustee Articles
Health care CEOs may need a little help. How about hiring a chief of staff?

Affordability, innovation key in today’s health care environment

Potential new health care legislation, cybersecurity, electronic health records, apps and wearables, consumerism, chronic disease management ...

Rewriting the medical school curriculum

Long-established medical schools are taking big leaps in moving toward a curriculum focused on value and communities.