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545 Results Found

New payment models coming thick and fast

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services last year set the ambitious goal of tying 30 percent of Medicare fee-for-service payments to quality or value through alternative payment models by

Risks can be clinical, too

A strategy to acquire something — a physician practice, an ambulatory surgery center or another hospital — can be desirable for improving an organization’s care for

Asset Stewardship and the Board's 3 for Understanding and Improving Operational Efficiency

Trustee Articles
Asset stewardship has long been a key board responsibility. As fiduciaries of a health care organization’s assets, governing boards are required to act in the best interest of the organization, ensuring that resources are used in a reasonable, appropriate and legally accountable way to meet community health care needs.

Health Care 2.0 and Beyond

Trustee Articles
A three-stage framework can help boards to identify information technology priorities

Recruiting the Right Mix

Trustee Articles
Given the sweeping changes in health care, forward-thinking hospitals, systems and medical centers are carefully evaluating board member succession and recruitment. The challenging environment in which these organizations operate requires strong, knowledgeable boards whose members have deep insights into the field and a fundamental understanding of business, management practices and how to compete in a highly competitive market.

Physician's Impact on Patient Satisfaction

Trustee Articles
Patient satisfaction scores are important metrics; they draw attention to the subjective experience of patients who received care from a hospital.

Board Self Evaluation

Evaluations and Assessments
Regular board self-evaluation is integral to effective governance. Use the questions in the attachment to assess whether your board is getting maximum mileage from its self-evaluation process.

Information Governance for Hospitals

White Papers
Health care organizations live or die based on the quality of the data their leaders use to make strategic, business and clinical decisions.

Keeping the promise — always there

As they always do in times of crisis, the women and men of America’s hospitals and health systems showed selfless dedication, honed skills and compassionate caring in dealing with the natural

Stewards of the Patient Experience: The Trustee’s Key Role

Trustee Articles
The patient experience reflects the organization’s culture. The board must foster a culture that supports employees and providers to deliver the best possible experience time after time.