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341 Results Found

Navigating the health care waters

Over the past few years, and especially this year, many health care trustees are feeling like they are on a whitewater rafting trip.

Top 10 Trends for 2019

Trustee Articles
Consumerism, personalized medicine, digital technology and artificial intelligence are fundamentally changing the way health care is purchased, delivered and organized.

Understanding Your Physician Employment Strategy

Trustee Articles
Oversight of an employed physician network is a new and evolving role for your board. Focus on five key issues, and adopt three best practices, to help the network succeed.

How to Grow the Amount of Women on Hospital Boards

In many ways, women are on the front line in health care — as consumers, employees and family caretakers. They possess firsthand knowledge of community health issues and needs.

Investing in Innovation to Disrupt Health Cares Status Quo

Trustee Talking Points Trustee Talking Points Many hea

The ethical leader: Practical tips on decision-making

Trustee talking points As hospitals move into value-based business models and assume risk, ethical issues are likely to become more prevalent. Ethical le

New tech for trustees to watch

In the early '90s, who could have imagined that today I would be walking around with a mini–super computer and video camera in my pocket.

Hospital, Health System Boards Need to Find Partners for Community Health

As health care organizations and clinicians join together to address a broader spectrum of health needs, more attention is being focused on how to improve both individual and community health.

Preserving your hospital’s independence

Trustee talking points More and more hospitals are joining larger health systems. Boards that want their hospital to remain independent have a number of strat

Essential Skills for Todays CEO

The board is responsible for setting the hospital or health system’s mission and vision, and for engaging leaders and staff in working toward that vision.