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477 Results Found

Board Support Essential to Behavioral Health Access

An interview with Robert Trestman of Carilion Clinic about how governing boards and leadership teams can work with their communities to develop strategies and improve access to behavioral health care.

5 Necessary Competencies for CEOs

When your board hired your organization’s CEO, the competencies the CEO possessed likely were a major factor in the selection process.

Position Description for a Board Chairperson

Position Descriptions
Leadership. Guides and directs the governance process, centering the work of the board on the organization’s mission, vision and strategic direction.

Board Policy Manuals

Board Policies
Board policies do various things. Some describe how important processes, such as board self evaluation and CEO evaluation, are carried out. Other policies address standards of conduct such as a conflict of interest policy. Still others clarify delegations of authority such as the levels of authority granted to subsidiary boards, board committees and the CEO.

Collaborative governance the key to improving community health

Health care delivery and payment are undergoing profound change.

Staying ahead of cybersecurity risks

Hospitals and health systems are under attack from new forms of viruses every day.

Overcoming 10 barriers to effective governance

In today’s environment of health care transformation, hospital and health system boards must evaluate every aspect of their governance processes, practices, meetings and composition to ensure

Board support: Is it time for dedicated governance leadership?

Trustee talking points As hospitals and health systems grow increasingly complex, they are increasingly creating dedicated support staff for their boards. Full-

Heroes All

Whenever something truly terrible happens on a large scale somewhere in our nation — whether it’s Newtown, Boston, Charleston, San Bernardino or one of the hundreds of other communities

Top 10 Trends for 2019

Trustee Articles
Consumerism, personalized medicine, digital technology and artificial intelligence are fundamentally changing the way health care is purchased, delivered and organized.