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How to Make the Most of Your Board's Time

Trustee Articles
Staying forward-focused as a trustee requires a combination of time management, prioritization and preventive efforts.

Refocusing Clinical Workforce on Moments that Matter

The clinical workforce shortage is one of the most pressing problems in health care. Bold actions now are necessary to mitigate the challenge, and boards have a critical role to play in overseeing change. By giving clinicians the support they need to work with purpose and passion, health systems can build clinical capacity for today — and tomorrow.

Principles and Best Practices for Effective Governance

Trustee Articles
The trustees of one health system were divided over how to structure the board. Some favored proportional representation from its acute care, nursing home and elder services divisions; others wanted all at-large members with no interests to promote. The CEO of another health system had restructured so facility executives were directly accountable to corporate management for finances and operations. He wanted local boards to focus on strategic direction and oversight of quality, but local boards continued monthly monitoring of finances as they’d always done. Some trustees wondered what their role was.

Leadership and affordability

An organization's success often comes down to leadership.

Conflict Manager: The Board Chair's Unsung Role

Trustee Articles
Board chairs are often chosen based on peer respect, professional knowledge, demonstrated commitment such as chairing a board committee, and willingness to put in the time required. A somewhat surprising finding to emerge from the AHA’s 2011 Governance Survey is that conflict management is an important yet seldom discussed role of the board chair.

Board Practices that Separate the Best from the Rest

Trustee Articles
The AHA’s 2011 Governance Survey shows that good governance practices continue to take hold among hospitals and health systems. Driven by powerful economic pressures and stringent legal requirements to be visionary, strategic, diligent and independent, boards are applying various “good governance” practices, including competency-based succession planning, board orientation and education, routine executive sessions, CEO retention planning, and board self-evaluation.

The work hospital board members do

It takes a special kind of person to volunteer to serve on the board of an American hospital these days.

New trustee services from the AHA

The American Hospital Association recently unveiled a newly refocused set of services for trustees and CEOs specifically designed to support good governance in the changing health care environment

How to Achieve Your Mission as a Health Care Leader

The health care industry’s transformational, irreversible changes make it clear that hospital-centric, disease-focused, acute episodes of care are not the future.