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302 Results Found

Increasing a Board’s Strategic Competency

Health care boards that invest the time in discussing strategy can position their organization for success.

Diverse Board Members Offer Their Perspectives

Open discussion, continued engagement and genuine effort can support meaningful and sustainable change for board diversity efforts.

Creating a More Diverse and Inclusive Board

Starting discussion in the boardroom about diversity and inclusion can support and accelerate board diversity efforts at health care organizations.


Trustee podcasts from the AHA.

Governance in the Time of Coronavirus: What governing boards should do to respond to the pandemic

This podcast highlights issues such as: prospective board authorizations for emergency spending and policy modifications; logistics for emergency board meetings and decision making; how boards can support and equally importantly not be a burden to management; clarifying emergency authority between system and subsidiary boards; what boards and their members should NOT do; the need for deeper executive and board succession planning; and others.

Improved joint venture performance through enhanced governance

Joint ventures in healthcare are more diverse and complex, involving partnerships with pharma, medical device companies, and research organizations.

The Board's Role in Cybersecurity (Part One)

Trustee Articles
With proper planning and investment, hospitals and health systems can reduce cyber risks and vulnerabilities.

Role of the Chief Governance Officer

Trustee Articles
Learn about the role of the Chief Governance Officer in hospital trustee boards and how effective governance is crucial in ensuring quality processes and patient safety.