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539 Results Found

Surviving Disruption in Health Care

Trustee Articles
Health care providers must draw lessons from the core capabilities of successful companies in the internet economy.

Three Health Systems Redesign Facilities to Align With Their Goals

Snapshot Renovations and new construction are adding value to patient care by building in operational efficiencies, increasing patient convenience and creating opportunities for clinical c

Beyond Bylaws: Four Health Care Governance Lessons from COVID-19

While continuing to respond to the COVID-19 crisis, hospital and health system boards can use this experience to strengthen leadership, engagement and trust.

Where Hospitals Focus Population Health Efforts

Other organizations’ population health activities focus on individuals living in a specific geographic area or community (66 percent), those experiencing a certain disease or cond

How Rural Trustees Can Meet Health Care Changes

Trustee Talking Points Trustee Talking Points The inst

Shining the Spotlight on Rural Health Care

Wherever you fit into health care — whatever kind of hospital or health system, ambulatory clinic, physician office, public health department, post-acute care provider or any other entit

Connecting behavioral health patients to outpatient services

Florida's Lee Memorial Health System is using several strategies to connect emergency department patients with mental health and/or substance abuse problems to the outpatient care they

New AHA chairs calling for health care has deep roots

A chance moment kick-started Eugene Woods’ career as a health care leader more than 25 years ago, and a simple health care–related accident that took his aunt Carmen’s life ye

Empowering Board Members to Improve Population Health through Value-Based Care

Trustee Articles
The U.S. health care system is quickly moving toward a care delivery model that encompasses entire populations, not just the patients who present themselves for care. This is because many at-risk individuals in the community seldom, if ever, seek treatment or health screenings—and they have a disproportionate impact on total health care spending.

The Education, Orientation and Evolution of the Governance Role at Catholic Health Initiatives

In today’s environment, it’s more important than ever that health care executives pay special attention to one of their most vital, strategic constituencies: board members.