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424 Results Found

Top 10 Practices of Great Boards

Board Checklists
Be sure every member fully understands his or her accountability, responsibilities and the expectations of the office, and document it all in a written position description...

Deliberate Decision-making and the Effective Board

Trustee Articles
High performing boards learn how to make decisions at the right time using the right processes.

Engaging Boards in Disruptive Innovation

Trustee Articles
Hospitals and systems must understand the threats posed by market disruptors and craft specific strategies to protect their missions.

Revisiting Strategy Due to COVID-19

Working together, hospital and health system boards and executive teams should examine the pandemic’s implications for their organizations, to set strategic direction and better serve patients and communities.

AHA to recognize members for contributions to field

Honors  AHA announces annual membership awards  American Hospital Association President Emeritus Rich Umbdenstock will receive the association’s highest hon

Selecting a Foundation Board Dream Team

Trustee Articles
Boards must proactively define the qualities of an ideal board member and select based upon those competencies, expertise, experience, behaviors and circles of influence—and within the context of the foundation’s priorities, strategy, opportunities and challenges. The foundation governance committee champions the identification and screening of proposed members.

Governance, Leadership & Management Grid

By Stephen Mansfield While a clear, bright line between the roles of governance and management does not exist for every issue that boards and orga

Becoming a First-Rate Board

Trustee Articles
Fulfilling duties includes actively engaging in practices that promote good governance. A review of best practices enables the board to reflect on opportunities for improvement.

Protect the Heroes

Trustee Articles
A new national initiative allows donors to direct contributions to their local hospital during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Skills and Tools New Board Members Need to Thrive

Health care governance education transformed immeasurably for the better during my 36-year career with the Arkansas Hospital Association.