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244 Results Found

Reputation and governance

What would having the best reputation in the business do for your business? In answering this question, most leaders would respond, “Everything!”

Social determinants of health: The ProMedica story

The health care community is showing a significant and growing interest in the social determinants of health.

In Brief April 2016

Strategy Webinar: Board’s role in population health The Center for Healthcare Governance is offering a recorded webinar available on demand titled “Gearing Up for Popu

Lower-cost Ways to Strengthen Patient Engagement

Snapshot By engaging patients with new services and technology, hospitals are heading off costly interventions and building loyalty.

How Rural Trustees Can Meet Health Care Changes

Trustee Talking Points Trustee Talking Points The inst

Hospitals are Successfully Stepping Up the Fight Against Sepsis

Trustee Talking Points Trustee Talking Points Sepsis is a leading caus

Rural hospital trustees meet in Phoenix

Uncertainty is the new normal for rural hospitals.

Addressing the Social Determinants of Health

Trustee Articles
Boards can advocate for policy changes or ways to harness community resources.

Care close to home

Despite their small physical size, microhospitals are fast becoming a big thing in health care design.

IT Dilemmas of the Newly Merged

Snapshot One of the first decisions that merging organizations must make is what to do with legacy information systems, and the answer isn’t always obvious.