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302 Results Found

Provider-sponsored health plans: Are you ready to take on (more) risk?

Trustee talking points Provider-sponsored health plans offer a good way for hospitals and health systems to take on risk as they move toward value-base care.

Effective CEO Performance Evaluation

Following key strategies for effective CEO performance appraisals are essential to the health care board’s role.

Revisiting Strategy Due to COVID-19

Working together, hospital and health system boards and executive teams should examine the pandemic’s implications for their organizations, to set strategic direction and better serve patients and communities.

Ready for the Unthinkable

Trustee Articles
An emergency succession plan may never be used, but it’s still a necessity for every hospital. A key function of every board is to ensure that effective leadership is in place so that the institution it governs can continue to achieve its mission, vision and strategic goals.

Governance Committee Charter

Board and Committee Charters
Overall Roles and Responsibilities -The Governance Committee provides for the board’s effectiveness and continuing development.

Enhancing Governance to Foster Innovation

Trustee Articles
By adopting practices that embrace innovation, boards are better prepared to plan for change.

Hospital, Health System Boards Need to Find Partners for Community Health

As health care organizations and clinicians join together to address a broader spectrum of health needs, more attention is being focused on how to improve both individual and community health.

Advancing Rural Telehealth and Addressing Its Challenges

Engaging and retaining nursing staff can help drive organizational performance, including improving patient safety, satisfaction and outcomes.

Top 10 Emerging Trends in Health Care for 2021: The New Normal

Continued disruption will require health care boards to adapt their governance models to adapt to the unprecedented times.

Health Care Governance on the Eve of Disruption

Trustee Articles
Corporate boards, across industry sectors, are increasingly being called upon to support management as the company responds to how innovative competitors “disrupt” their existing business model. Blockbuster, Borders and ESPN are prime examples of established companies that have been pulled into the financial undertow created by nimble disruptors.