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545 Results Found

Making Sense of the MACRA: A Primer for Trustees

Trustee Articles
This primer provides an overview of the MACRA law and includes questions to help boards, executives and clinical leaders discuss its impact on their organization.

Table of Contents

Features   8 Cover Story Cyber Crisis

Intermountain Healthcare Embraces Transformation

Trustee Articles
Utah-based Intermountain Healthcare continues to transform itself to best adapt to the demands of the changing health care environment. As part of the current transformation, the health system has organized its leadership to optimize the interdependencies of safety, quality, patient experience and workforce engagement. Under this construct, the system streamlines decision making, minimizes waste and redundancy, and positions the organization to deliver exceptional patient-centered care.

Effective Governance of Health Systems

Governing a health system is different than governing a stand-alone hospital. All health system boards oversee and attempt to integrate different businesses regardless of the type of system they govern.

Advent of "Care Systems" Means Governance Must Also Transform

Trustee Articles
Society and industries are always evolving; revolutionary change occurs sporadically when powerful forces align to disrupt the old order. The health care delivery system today is in the midst of an historic transformation to redesign how care is delivered. The quite immodest aim is to take 20 to 30 percent of costs out of the system while maintaining or improving clinical outcomes and patients’ health.

Data's Motivating Power

Trustee Articles
Analytics can be a tool for constructively engaging physicians in health systems’ transition to value

Performance-based Contracting: Emerging Issues and Considerations

Trustee Articles
A new business model is emerging to transform the care delivery and payment systems. The transition is underway in many communities — moving health care delivery from emphasizing sick care to addressing population health management.

CMS Announces Savings in First Year of Home Care Demonstration

Participants in the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid’s Independence at Home demonstration saved more than $25 million in the payment model’s first performance year while delivering h

Factors Affecting Health Care Affordability

Trustee Articles

Strengthening Culture through Good Governance Practices

Trustee Articles
For effective cultural stewardship, boards need to promote behavioral expectations for patient care and make sure that espoused values and norms are respected throughout the organization.