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302 Results Found

How hospitals can plan their workforce for the future

The health care workforce influences nearly every aspect of providing high-quality care.

Finding the Right Size for Your Hospital Board

What’s the ideal size for a board of trustees?

CEO Selection in a COVID-19 World

Though hospital and health system boards have always evaluated many factors when selecting a new executive leader, the coronavirus experience calls for considering other important elements.

Disrupting the Health System from Within

The core mission of health systems is at risk of disintermediation and commoditization by health plans, private equity, retail and big tech

Getting nurses on board

Trustee talking points The vast majority of the nation's hospitals and health systems do not have a nurse on their board. Adding nurses to boards adds diversity and a bro

Challenging Deeply Held Beliefs That Stymie Hospital Boards

Deeply held beliefs can blind boards to the true nature of change. It’s time to challenge the orthodoxies.

New board members: Orientation 101

Few things are more satisfying to new board members than the realization that they have not only made a smart decision to join a board but that they can immediately begin to make meaningful co

Cybersecurity and Hospitals: A Board Perspective

Trustee Articles
Cybersecurity is an important issue for both the public and private sector. At a time when so many of our activities depend on information systems and technology, it is not surprising that, when we think about our organizations’ vulnerabilities, our information infrastructure must be high on the list.

Three Essential Elements of a Disaster Communication Plan

Disaster planning is a widely accepted duty of both hospital management and boards of directors.