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477 Results Found

Succession planning: An investment in leadership continuity and success

Ensuring that an organization has consistent and effective leadership at the top is a principal board responsibility.

The Pathway Back to the Board Room

With careful assessment, health care boards may consider a return to the board room in 2021.

What are Hospital and Health System Boards Facing in 2022?

I recently spoke with William (Bill) Menner about some of the challenges that hospital and health system boards are experiencing.

Sample Statement of the Roles and Responsibilities of the Board

Board and Committee Charters
Purpose: To ensure that members of the board have a common understanding of the role of governance, the board has adopted this Statement of the Roles and Responsibilities of the Board.

Sample Board Orientation Manual Index

Trustee Articles
Note:The following is intended to be an example that boards should adapt to meet their individual needs.