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302 Results Found

Current High-Performance Governance Practices

Board Checklists
For boards to participate in shaping their new organization, they must be currently performing at an extremely high level. The following is a list of four practices that hospital and health system boards must be engaged in today, in order to be successful in the future.

Assessing Overall Board Effectiveness: Key Elements for Success to Consider

Investing time now in evaluating and enhancing board effectiveness can accelerate organizational results for years to come.

Governing in the Digital Age

Most boards I know were built by recruiting business leaders, physicians and clergy, and it's important to have broad community representation among trustees.

Evidence-Based Approaches Make Succession Planning More Intentional and Effective

Proper hiring of people at all levels needs to be done with a focus on succession planning. Hiring should not be done in a vacuum and must weigh the short- and long-term departmental and broader organizational needs. Leaders need to surround themselves with others whose skills complement their own.

Creating the Right Boardroom Conversations

Trustee Articles
Establishing well-organized and consistent governance processes and procedures enables the board to be most productive, and ensures that its time is allocated to the most critical topics.

The Board's Role in a Changing Health Care Environment Video Series

This series of brief videos and accompanying board discussion questions features prominent health care governance experts offering advice on key issues that boards need to address in this rapidly changing health care environment.

Board chair coaching process

Discussion Questions & Templates
A good coach focuses on what the board chair wants to accomplish and designs a coaching process based on how the board chair experiences the role; on assessment of individual strengths and weaknesses; and on identifying and addressing blind spots. Each coaching process should be customized to meet the board chair’s individual needs and goals.

Innovation Resources for Boards

Innovation Resources for Boards

The Boards Role in Digital Transformation

Facilitating digital transformation demands that boards appreciate its urgency, move past the hype and fulfill strategy at their hospital and health system via digital transformation-related needs assessment, plan execution and evaluation of results and outcomes.