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198 Results Found


Rehabilitation Services

Rehabilitation services are measures taken to promote optimum attainable levels of physical, cognitive, emotional, psychological, social, and economic usefulness, and thereafter to maintain the individual at the maximal functional level.

Quality & Patient Safety

As hospitals and health systems continue to look for ways to advance quality of care while lowering costs, the AHA has taken a leadership role in supplying information to hospitals to help them further improve the work they do.

Cybersecurity & Risk Advisory Service

AHA can help hospitals and health systems prepare for and mitigate cyber threats with John Riggi, a recognized expert, as a powerful resource.

United Against the Flu

United Against the Flu is a collaborative effort by several national health care organizations and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to amplify the importance of getting vaccinated, especially this flu season.

Key Issues for Nurses

Issue Landing Page
As a nurse leader, you face many challenges. What you may not be aware of are the myriad legislative issues affecting the nursing profession as a whole.

Ensuring Access in Vulnerable Communities - Taskforce Report and Resources

The AHA Board of Trustees created the Task Force on Ensuring Access in Vulnerable Communities. Comprised of 29 hospital and health system leaders and state hospital association CEOs, the task force held meetings, heard from policymakers and conducted field hearings to speak with hospital and community leaders during a 15-month period.

Release 2024.2 Create Landing Pag eTest

Cras ligula erat, dapibus sed odio volutpat, egestas ultricies enim. Maecenas accumsan vulputate sapien, sit amet vehicula tellus iaculis ultrices. In arcu nibh, sagittis eu leo sit amet, consectetur fermentum ligula.

Liability Reform

The increased costs that result from the current flawed medical liability system not only hinder access to affordable health care, they also threaten the stability of the health care field, which employed 5.7 million people in 2015, and continues to be one of the largest sources of private-sector jobs.

Suicide Prevention Resources

Access resources focused on suicide prevention, including Members in Action case studies, webinars, member calls, campaigns and publications.

Advocacy Issue: Transparency and Competition

Hospitals and health systems have made important progress in adopting federal price transparency requirements that require they both publicly post machine-readable files of a wide range of rate information and provide more consumer-friendly displays of pricing information for at least 300 shoppable services.