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33 Results Found
How Hospitals Can Make the Best Use of Social Media
Discover how hospitals can effectively utilize social media to engage with patients and communities. Learn more about the benefits and strategies in this comprehensive guide.
Taking Responsibility for Transitions at the Top
Succession planning is a high-stakes governance responsibility. The significant costs of protracted CEO searches and failed replacements are well-documented. Yet, data from the for-profit and nonprofit sectors continue to show that many boards aren’t focusing enough attention on succession planning or on getting it right.
Creating Age-Friendly Health Systems
Hospital and health system trustees can help move forward an evidence-based framework to achieve better health for an aging population with complex care needs.
Physician Organizations Should Drive Quality
A strong, consistent governance and leadership focus on doing what’s best for patients and communities is positioning physician organizations as significant drivers of improved quality and financia
Survey findings about patient engagement and patient experience
“The Association Between Patient and Family Engagement Practices and Patient Experience” is a slide presentation that covers the findings of a 2013–2014 survey conducted by the Health Research &
IT interoperability: what is it, whats holding it up?
“Interoperability” has been a technology buzzword for a while now. But, what does it really mean?
The Three Challenges Impacting Health Cares New Normal
SNAPSHOT Hospital and system leaders say that they are acclimating to the transformed health care environment, but risk-based contracts, pressure to grow and regulatory scrutiny
Essential Skills for Todays CEO
The board is responsible for setting the hospital or health system’s mission and vision, and for engaging leaders and staff in working toward that vision.
Who Is Accountable for this Patient?
Trustee Magazine Articles
Payers in population health contracts are using claims data to identify the physician responsible for a patient’s health and spending. It’s an inexact science that can aggravate providers before empowering them.
The new health care consumer looking at finances, value
Patients are morphing into health consumers, shaped by paying first dollar for health care services.