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6 Results Found

Evidence-Based Approaches Make Succession Planning More Intentional and Effective

Proper hiring of people at all levels needs to be done with a focus on succession planning. Hiring should not be done in a vacuum and must weigh the short- and long-term departmental and broader organizational needs. Leaders need to surround themselves with others whose skills complement their own.

Recruiting rural executives

Rural hospitals and health systems often face a leadership Catch-22: They need strong leaders to overcome the well-documented challenges facing rural health care — limited resources and dwind

Millennials' Turn at the Top

Trustee talking points Although millennials increasingly fill the workforce, they’re not filling the health care leadership ranks at the pace of previous generations.

Succession Planning

Penny Wheeler, M.D., was barely into her tenure as CEO of Allina Health and fresh from a transition period earlier this year with retiring CEO Kenneth Paulus when the topic turned to who might repl

Navigating health care change

A huge transformation of the health care sector is underway, and it’s having a big impact on hospitals and health systems.

Enhancing diversity

When Shafiq Rab agreed to become chief information officer and senior vice president of Rush University Medical Center late last year, the Chicago hospital snagged a leader in the use of mobile hea