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17 Results Found
Evidence-Based Approaches Make Succession Planning More Intentional and Effective
Proper hiring of people at all levels needs to be done with a focus on succession planning. Hiring should not be done in a vacuum and must weigh the short- and long-term departmental and broader organizational needs. Leaders need to surround themselves with others whose skills complement their own.
Succession Planning
Penny Wheeler, M.D., was barely into her tenure as CEO of Allina Health and fresh from a transition period earlier this year with retiring CEO Kenneth Paulus when the topic turned to who might repl
Succession planning: An investment in leadership continuity and success
Ensuring that an organization has consistent and effective leadership at the top is a principal board responsibility.
Active board succession
A decade ago, BoardSource, an organization supporting nonprofit boards, developed a well-known list of aspirational principles of governance.
High-performance succession planning
One thing that we all know is certain is change. Hospitals and health systems are adapting delivery models and strategies to remain viable for their communities.
Avoiding Common Pitfalls in Succession Planning
The health care industry faces a combination of challenges that will affect every hospital and health system.
CEO succession as a strategic imperative
A health care organization’s strategic planning involves the board in a number of important activities. But how many boards have considered CEO succession planning to be one of them?
Bringing millennials on board
As hospitals and health systems assess how they can attract and retain millennials in their operations, hospital boards are asking the same question.
Your Next CEO
Competition, finance reform and the ever-changing demands of the marketplace have put increased pressure on hospital boards to contemplate an important question: What kind of CEO will be most suc
Preparing for a CEO’s departure
The most crucial time in an organization’s life is the transition from one CEO to another.