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12 Results Found

Health Systems Making Suicide Prevention a Priority

AFSP’s Christine Moutier and Maggie Mortali discuss programs and tools that support health care workers.

Crisis Standards of Care and the Pandemic

Hospitals across the United States have been inundated with an alarming number of very ill, complex care patients diagnosed with COVID-19. Caring for patients with non-coronavirus health care needs, such as cardiac and neurologic emergencies, while managing surges in COVID-19 cases, has presented a serious problem for hospitals. What should senior leaders do when there is no more space, no more staff, no more equipment and nowhere to transfer these critically ill patients?

From Surviving to Thriving

The board’s obligation is to consider all options to achieve its mission, including gleaning lessons from the movie “Grease!”

The Ever-important Role of Hospital Community Boards

Community governance is more critical today than ever before considering recent, often fast-moving trends and changes in the U.S. health care market. Nonprofit hospitals and health systems that double down on strong community governance not only have increased likelihood of staying true to their mission, but also have distinct strategic advantages over those that do not.

What are Hospital and Health System Boards Facing in 2022?

I recently spoke with William (Bill) Menner about some of the challenges that hospital and health system boards are experiencing.

What Hospital Board Members Need to Know: A Seven-Point Framework for Navigating COVID-19

Trustee Articles
During the COVID-19 pandemic, hospital and health system boards play a critical role to assure plans, policies and resources are in place.

Effective Governance During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Trustee Articles
Boards can provide tremendous value and crucial support to their hospitals and health systems during the COVID-19 crisis.