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11 Results Found

Board Orientation Best Practices: Strategies for Onboarding New Trustees Effectively

On-Demand Educational Webinars
This webinar recording offers a different approach to new member orientation. You’ll hear about a set of action steps that can help your organization develop a conscious, ongoing orientation process – one that helps the entire board form a high-functioning team much faster as each new trustee comes on.

Boardroom 101

This resource from AHA Trustee Services provides information and guidance, including sample agendas and questions for board members to consider as they learn about health care, their hospital and/or health system, and board responsibilities.

Trustee Mentoring: For Orientation, Leadership Development and More

Trustee Articles
Mentoring, a process that pairs board members who are new to their roles with more seasoned board and executive resources for growth and development, traditionally has been used by health care boards to orient new trustees for board service.

Sample Board Orientation Manual Index

Trustee Articles
Note:The following is intended to be an example that boards should adapt to meet their individual needs.

Board Orientation 101

Trustee Articles
New board members need more than a briefing on their organization — and the role they play in it

Quarterly Mentor Feedback Form, Sierra Vista Regional Health Center

Discussion Questions & Templates
AHA’s Center for Healthcare Governance would like to thank Sierra Vista Regional Health Center and its Board of Trustees for sharing this sample mentoring feedback form.

Sample Board Chair Role Description

Board and Committee Charters
The following is intended to be an example that boards should adapt to meet their individual needs.

Sample Duties and Expectations of a Director

Purpose: The hospital is committed to ensuring that it achieves standards of excellence in the quality of its governance and has adopted this policy describing the duties and expectations of directors. Application: This policy applies to all elected and ex-officio directors and is provided to directors before they are recruited for appointment to the board. Each director must confirm in writing that he or she will abide by this policy.

Sample Statement of the Roles and Responsibilities of the Board

Board and Committee Charters
Purpose: To ensure that members of the board have a common understanding of the role of governance, the board has adopted this Statement of the Roles and Responsibilities of the Board.

New Board Member Orientation Manual

Board Checklists
A Board Orientation Manual reinforces information provided during orientation seminars. Consider these items in custom-designing an orientation manual for your board.