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47 Results Found

NFL Pros Tackle the Importance of Mental Health

Intermountain Health invited “The Defensive Line,” a group of professional athletes who have struggled with their own mental health issues, to talk with high school students in Las Vegas’s Clark County School District about the importance of addressing mental health.

Section 1 - Supporting the Team | Strengthening the Health Care Workforce

The first section of the guide, which includes key considerations and questions to drive action, takeaways and action items for CEOs, and resources and case studies, focuses on addressing well-being, supporting behavioral health and workplace violence prevention.

Supporting Behavioral Health | Strengthening the Health Care Workforce

Reducing stigma and improving access to behavioral health services for the health care workforce, combined with fostering human resilience can improve mental and often physical health, reduce the total cost of care, reduce suicide, and support a healthy workforce.

Workplace Violence Prevention | Strengthening the Health Care Workforce

Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, hospitals and health system teams experienced violence, from bullying and incivility to active shooters, intimate partner violence, cyberattacks, homicides and suicides. However, the compounding trauma of the pandemic has heightened the need to create a safer workplace, both physically and psychologically, and a more resilient workforce.

Boardroom Brief: How Boards Can Support Workforce Behavioral Health

This document, developed by AHA Trustee Services and AHA’s Behavioral Health teams, intends to educate and raise awareness for trustees about suicide prevention and the role that hospital and health system boards can play in this very important public health issue.

SAMHSA announces behavioral health grants

States can apply through May 20 for up to $2 million to partner with communities to integrate primary and behavioral health care in clinical practices and $900,000 to implement a primary care model that integrates mental health and substance use conditions, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration announced March 22.

AHA podcast: Sparking Social Connection and Community With Indiana University Health

Two guests discuss a care network launched by Indiana University Health to spark social connection and community in light of the U.S. Surgeon General’s 2023 report declaring loneliness and social isolation an “epidemic” in American society.

Blog: Small Steps Can Make a Big Impact on Your Mental Well-being

Positive psychology exercises can make a big difference on health care workers’ mental health, writes Bryan Sexton, director of the Duke Center for the Advancement of Well-being Science.

Your Stress Meter™

Check In on Your Mental Wellbeing: Rate your stress. Connect with resources.

The Shame Competent Organization

Dr. Will Bynum presents an overview of the psychology of shame and will then outline their novel Shame Competence Framework, which addresses the competencies and skills needed to adopt shame competent approaches to patient care, teaching, and teamwork. Viewers will walk away with a set of specific skills and considerations to begin adopting shame competent approaches to their work. (Webinar presented November 8, 2023)